Why Do We Need to Cite Sources for Papers or Presentations?
How Do You Incorporate Sources Within Your Paper or Presentation?
APA (American Psychological Association) style was established in order to create a simple set of procedures, or “style” guidelines, that would codify the many components of scientific writing. “Scientific” includes both some of the physical sciences as well as the social sciences such as psychology, anthropology, criminal justice, sociology, etc.
The American Psychological Association's own website which offers many examples of the most commonly cited types of sources. For a list of examples for different types of sources, click on the tab entitled, "Style and Grammar Guidelines."
Rochester Institute of Technology strives to create an environment where student, staff, and faculty hold themselves to high standards of academic integrity. The policies regarding student academic integrity are outlined very clearly on the University Policies' webpage. A violation of student academic integrity may fall into any of the three following areas:
For more information and to read the Student Academic Integrity Policy in full, please follow this link.
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