UWRT 150 Writing Seminar (Kavin): Database Articles


Finding Articles

RIT Libraries subscribes to more than 200 databases. These research databases are tremendous resources for locating articles from scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, newspapers (national and international publications), and magazines. Some databases contain image collections, ebooks, captioned streamed videos, statistics, patents, conference proceedings, and dissertations/theses. Search the Database Finder portal to explore further!

Rhetorical Strategies: For your search, you can combine any of the strategy words, like ethos, pathos, logos, audience, voice, and tone, with your keywords. Keep keywords to two or three, like ("sign language" OR ASL) AND rhetoric.

Use Summon to search all of our databases. Please do not stop with Summon; it may miss some important articles. Continue to search using the other databases listed below.

Databases for politics and media articles

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