Below you will find three boxes containing lists of data sources. They are categorized by European Data Sources, International Data Sources and US Datasources.
Board of Governors of of the Federal Reserve System banking and economic data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Wealth of links and resources from this government agency.
EconoMagic economic time series - US and International
Economic Report of the President Basic statistical source covering GNP, GDP, CPI, PPI, Inflation.
GeoSpatial and Statistical Data from the Scholar's Lab at University of Virginia
Office of Management and Budget. US Executive Office of the President. Includes budget and related data.
Regional Economic Conditions (RECON) FDIC economic information at the state, MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), and county levels
STAT-USA Databases (NTDB) Provides access to foreign trade statistics; country specific information; market research reports; and basic export information. Includes the CIA World Factbook.
U.S. Bureau of the Census Provides access to the county City Databook; Statistical Abstract of the United States along with population and business census reports.
U.S. Department of Commerce Easy access to the individual Commerce Department divisions and the information they provide including the Bureau of Economic Analysis; International Trade Administration; Patent and Trade Office and the U.S. Office of Travel & Tourism Industries.
AsiaBusiness Today is an online resource developed by the Asia Society for information on U.S./Asia economic and business relations, Asia's role in the international economy, and the costs and benefits of economic 'globalization.'
Center for Economic Performance. Interdisciplinary research centre at the LSE (London School of Economics & Political Science) Research Laboratory. "CEP studies the determinants of economic performance at the level of the company, the nation and the global economy by focusing on the major links between globalisation, technology and institutions (above all the educational system and the labour market) and their impact on productivity, inequality, employment and stability."
Free Trade of Americas (FTAA) This website follows the progress of the FTAA over the past seven years including reports and activities of all the working groups, information on business negotiation efforts, and a publication database of official documents. The website is available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. data and software to create displays
National Statistics: the Official United Kingdom Statistics Site
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development publications and statistics from its 30 member countries.
STAT-USA Databases (NTDB) Provides access to foreign trade statistics; country specific information; market research reports; and basic export information. Includes the CIA World Factbook.
United Nations Centralized access to all the individual agencies within the United Nations. I.E. International Monetary Fund; International Labour Organization.
USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb United States International Trade Commision
World Bank Access to full-text publications of the World Bank. Examples: Emerging Stock Market Factbook; World Development Report; World Bank Participation Sourcebook.