Library of Congress Call Number Overview: Major Headings H-M

Learn more about the Library of Congress classification system, how to interpret call numbers, and call number locations.

H-M Call Numbers

Click on the colored headings to find more detailed sub-headings.

H Social Sciences and Business

H Social Sciences
HA Statistics
HB-HJ Economics
HC Economic history & conditions
HJ Public finance
HM-HP Sociology
HQ Family, marriage, home
HQ1101-2030 Women
HV Social Pathology, Public Welfare, Criminology

L Education

L Education
LA History of education
LB Theory & practice
LC Special aspects of education
LD Individual U.S. institutions
LH College & school publication

J Political Science

JA-JC Political Science
JF-JQ Political Institutions & Administrations
JF Constitutional history and administration
JK U.S. constitutional history
JS Local government
JV Immigration
JX-JZ International law, international relations

M Music

M Musical works
ML Literature of music
MT Music instruction & study

K Law

K Law
KF United States Law
KZ Law of Nations



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