Library of Congress Call Number Overview: Major Headings A-G

Learn more about the Library of Congress classification system, how to interpret call numbers, and call number locations.

A-G Call Numbers

Check the maps to locate these call numbers.  Click on the colored headings to find more detailed sub-headings.

A General Works

AE Encyclopedias
AG Dictionaries
AY Almanacs

D World History

D History
Great Britain
DB Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary
DC France
DD Germany
DE Mediterranean, Greco-Roman world
DF Greece
DG Italy
DK Russia
DP Spain, Portugal
DR Eastern Europe, Turkey
DS Asia
DT Africa

B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

B History & systems of philosophy
BF Psychology
BL Religions, mythology, rationalism
BM-R Individual Religions

E, F History of the Americas

E 1-143 North America
E 151-839 United States
U.S. local history
F 1001-1145 British and Dutch America
F1001-1140 Canada
F1170 French America
F 1201+ Latin America
F1201-1392 Mexico
F1401-3799 Central & South America, Caribbean

C Auxiliary Sciences of History

CB History of Civilization & Culture
CC Archaeology
CT Biography (General)

G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation

G Atlases, globes, maps
G-GB Geography
GE Environmental Sciences
GN Anthropology
GV Dance, leisure, sports


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