ACCT 795 Financial Accounting Theory & Research: Article Databases

Dresnack class guide for Spring 2020

Hello from Jennifer!

photo of Jennifer Freer in blue shirt

Hi! I am Jennifer Freer, your business librarian! I can help you navigate through the library business resources to find information, articles, and books. I can also help with citation in APA, MLA and Chicago plus I can help you use Zotero.  The green button above has links to book an appointment or try to catch me on chat. Email to ask questions if that works better for you!


All of the article databases below contain articles on or related to accounting in addition to other subjects.

Note that some resources (such as ProQuest and Business Source Elite) contain both academic/scholarly articles along with other types of articles such as practical/trade articles. Practical/trade articles are the types of items a practitioner would read to stay up to date on practices, trends or players in an industry or function. You may run into a situation where a database identifies an item as academic/scholarly but it has identified it wrong and it is actually a practical/trade, newspaper or other type of non-academic/scholarly article. 

It is important to understand what type of item you are reading. If you do not know how to identify scholarly/academic articles or practical articles take a look Module 4 in LIV@RIT

Sample academic/scholarly article

Sample practical or trade (not academic/scholarly) article

Start with ProQuest and work your way down the list.

Interlibrary Loan

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