INTP 460 Issues in Interpreting: Journals


We subscribe to core peer-reviewed journals and many are online. I have linked the titles so you can easily search individual titles for articles. 

Finding Interpreting Articles

BThe image is a journal cover entitled (gold font) "Sign Language Studies" with a white logo, an evergreen background. and evergreen lettering. elow are some journals we subscribe to that are related to the interpreting profession. You can click on the journal-title to search for articles if it's in a database, or find the print journal on the 2nd floor. Interpreting journals tend to be in the call number HV 2402 area. 

ATA Chronicle
Interpreter and Translator Trainer
International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research
Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting
Journal of Interpretation
Journal of Interpretation Research
Journal of Undergraduate Interpreting Studies
Sign Language & Linguistics
Sign Language Studies
Sign Language Translator and Interpreter
Translation & Interpreting Studies

Use the A-Z Journal List to find journal print and online holdings.

If you have a citation, try the Citation LInker to locate materials.

Tip: Check the bibliography or references at the end of articles to find more works.You must access the databases through the library website. If you go to Google and find an article you like and it asks you to pay for it, DO NOT pay for it. It is probably in our databases or you can get the article for free through our interlibrary loan services.

Interlibrary Loan Services

Many articles are available as full text in the library databases but sometimes the publishers hold back the full article.  You can order articles that we do not have in our collection. This is a free service. Online students, please use ILL to request articles.  Take these steps to obtain an article that is not available electronically:

  1. Check to see if we subscribe to the print edition
  2. If we do not have the print article, order it from IDS.  ILL requests usually take 3-5 business days and will be delivered electronically into your account.

Finding Deaf Education Articles

TThe image is a journal cover entitled (white font) "Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education". The background is medium blue and on the left-hand side, there is a white outlined rectangular box with an image of a gold spikes logo.he library has many databases that have scholarly articles. However, there are a few Deaf and Interpreting core journals that publish the most articles related to this topic. Most of the time your professor will ask you to find empirical studies. An empirical study is one that includes scientific methodology based on experimentation, systematic observation, or measurement, rather than theoretical formulation.​

Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association
American Annals of the Deaf
Deafness & Education International 
Deaf Worlds
Journal of ASL and ASL Literature
Sign Language Studies
Volta Review
Deaf Studies Digital Journal

Trade Magazine
Odyssey: New Directions in Deaf Education

Disability Journals
Some of your assignments may require you to find articles in disability journals. Some of these journals are available online.

You can search within the journal to retrieve articles or use the databases below. Use the A-Z Journal List to find journal print and online holdings.

Tip: Check the bibliography or references at the end of articles to find more works.You must access the databases through the library website. If you go to Google and find an article you like and it asks you to pay for it, DO NOT pay for it. It is probably in our databases or you can get the article for free through our interlibrary loan services.

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