There are a number of OER databases and online hubs where you can search for OER materials.
- MERLOT: A collection of online learning tools and and resources, curated and peer-reviewed by volunteers.
- Milne Open Textbooks: a catalog of open textbooks written and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff
- OASIS: Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool for discovering open content.
- OER Commons: A database including OER materials such as lectures, textbooks, case studies, lesson plans, assignments, syllabi, etc.
- Open Course Library: a collection for free-to-use course materials, including textbooks, syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments
- OpenStax: Publishes open access textbooks
- Open Textbooks for Engineering: Open textbooks in engineering compiled by the ASEE
- RIT Open Access Books: Open Access books published by RIT Libraries
- SUNY OER Services: More than just textbooks, this database includes full courses on a variety of subjects and disciplines