Library of Congress Call Number Overview: Major Headings N-Z

Learn more about the Library of Congress classification system, how to interpret call numbers, and call number locations.

N-Z Call Numbers

 Click on the colored headings to find more detailed sub-headings.

N Fine Arts

N Visual Arts
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing, graphic design, illustration
ND Painting
NE Print media
NK Decorative arts
NX Arts in general

S Agriculture

S Agriculture
SB Plant Culture
SD Forestry
SF Animal Culture
SK Hunting Sports

P Language and Literature

P Linguistics
PA Greek & Latin
PA-PM Languages
PC Romance languages
PD Old Germanic & Scandinavian languages
PE English language
PF Dutch, Flemish, German languages
PG Slavic languages & literature
PL East Asian, African, & Oceanic languages & literatures
PN Literature, literary history & collections
PN1993-1996 Motion pictures
PQ Romance literatures
PR British literature
PS American literature
PT Germanic literatures
PZ Juvenile fiction

T Technology

T Technology
TA-TK Engineering
TC Hydraulic engineering
TD Environmental technology
TE Civil engineering (various subjects)
TJ Mechanical engineering & machinery
TK Electrical engineering, electronics
TL Motor Vehicles & Aeronautics
TP Chemical technology
TR Photography
TT Handicrafts

Q Science

Q Science
QA Mathematics
QA75.5-76 Computer science
QA273-280 Statistics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural history - Biology
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology

U-V Military & Naval Science

UA Armies
UB Military Administration
UF Artillery
VA Navies
VE Marines
VM Naval Architecture & Shipbuilding

R Medicine

R Medicine & Dictionaries
RA Public Aspects of Medicine
RC Internal Medicine
RJ Pediatrics
RM-RS Pharmacology
RT Nursing

Z Bibliography, Library Science

Z Books (General). Writing. Paleography. Book Industries
and trade. Libraries. Bibliography

ZA Information Resources (General)


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