BIOL 101 General biology courses.: Citing, Image permissions
Fall, Spring, Summer Life Science courses including biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomedical sciences, and biotechnology to molecular bioscience.
Even though a journal article undergoes a publisher's peer review process, it can still be removed after it has been published in a journal, if plagiarism, incorrect data or unprofessional behavior has been reported.
Be aware that RIT faculty use Turnitin to check for plagiarism in papers.
Journal publishers provide their 1.peer review instructions and 2. images permission to authors, which you should double check when you are not sure about an article and about using an image.
Some databases like Elsevier ScienceDirect, Ebsco make it easy to distinguish original research articles from review articles and peer review articles from other documents.
The best way to distinguish scholarly journal articles is to first look at the author's:
references which will show the author's literature review method. Be wary of a journal article that has only 2 or 3 references
Use of RIT resources is reserved for current RIT students, faculty
and staff for academic and teaching purposes only.
Please contact your librarian with any questions.