There is an online citation builder, Noodlebib, which you can use to create Chicago (16th edition) citations. You must log in the library website in order to get free access to Noodlebib. The online Chicago Style book is also available.
There are two options for the Chicago style.
Zotero is a citation management program that collects, manages, and cites research sources. It integrates with your web browser.
Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies.
It automatically updates itself periodically to work with new online sources and new bibliographic styles.
Download and install Zotero from the Zotero website.
There's a different version for each operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux. Zotero's website will identify your operating system and will allow you to download the proper version.
Installing the Zotero program will also install Zotero's word processor integrations for Microsoft Word and LibreOffice.
Version Information: as of the summer of 2024, the stable release of Zotero is version 7, and this guide covers the features available in version 7.
Connectors allow your web browser to save citations to your Zotero library.
Open Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge and click the Zotero Connector link for that browser to install it.
Each browser has its own version of the Zotero connector, so if you want to use multiple browsers, you'll need to install a compatible connector for each.
Installing a browser connector will also install Zotero's word processor integration for Google Docs in that browser.
If you're using a mobile browser, you can still save items to your Zotero library. A free Zotero account is required.
The Zotero Bookmarklet works with all desktop browsers and most mobile browsers (including Safari for iPad and the Android browser).
Visit the Zotero Bookmarklet page for installation instructions for your particular browser or device. You won't have to install any software -- just the bookmarklet!
Once you create your user account, you can also take advantage of Zotero's collaborative feature, Zotero Groups.
Groups can be private or public, and can have closed or open membership. By joining or creating a Group, you can share references with colleagues and other Zotero users with similar research interests.