Interpreter Resources: Multicultural Videos

This guide points to different types of interpreting and library resources.

Multicultural Interpreting Videos

There are many other videos that are helpful for interpreting practice. Some multicultural interpreting videos are listed below. 

Working Together: Interpreting Issues in the African American/Black Community

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Lectures: Martin Hiraga, Presenter

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mrs. Kanzaki, United States Patriot

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Life Experiences of Ron Hirano

Cultural & Linguistic Diversity Series: Multicultural Interpreting Assignments

NMIP Recruitment Video

Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples Tape 1

Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples Tape 2

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican Geographical Signs

Compassionate Medicine of the People

Mexico's Development of Sign Language Interpretation: A Trilingual Discussion

Dear White Interpreters: Perspectives from Deaf Interpreters of Color

Multicultural Interpreter Issues: From the Multicultural Interpreters' Perspective

NMIP Interpreter Issues: from the Deaf Multicultural Perspectives

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Cherokee Identity as a Social Construction

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Life Experiences of Donnette Reins

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Life Experiences of Victor Vodounou

Enhancing Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Interpreting Profession

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