Q: When does RIT stop subscribing to NoodleTools?
A: December 13, 2022
Q: Will we continue to have access until the close of business on December 13, 2022?
A: Yes! Users will have access through December 13, 2022.
Q: What will happen AFTER December 13, 2022?
A: When users attempt to log in, they will receive a message stating that RIT's subscription is no longer active.
Q: Can I export citations I have saved in NoodleTools before the subscription ends on 12/13/22?
A: Yes! You can export your citations and outlines and notecards into a Google Doc, Word document or other RTF (rich text format) software.
Q: Is the content of RIT's users' accounts (projects, notecards, etc.) retained if they choose to move to a personal subscription to NoodleTools after RIT's subscription ends?
A: A student who wishes to retain work after December 13, 2022 should create an individual license ($15/year) PRIOR to that date. They can then copy projects that are in their RIT account over into that new account. On the Projects screen, you can mark the checkboxes next to any projects there, then choose an option to copy those projects into another user's folder. If users miss that window to copy projects, it is still possible for NoodleTools staff to copy projects over for them for some time after December 13, 2022.