Study Abroad: RIT Library Services: Language Study

A helpful guide for students studying abroad here at RIT.

Language Study Introduction

One of the best parts of studying abroad is being able to learn and practice a new language. RIT Libraries has many resources you can use to help practice your language skills or pick up new ones.

Photo of Jirisan near Osaka, Japan

Photo of Jirisan, Osaka, Japan | Photo credit: Ryan Tolnay, Global Librarian

RIT Libraries Language Resources (General)

Language Resources on the Web

International Sign Language

Did you know?

There are many different sign languages around the world. Watch this video on the difference between American Sign Language and Polish Sign Language!

German Language Resources

TIP: There are many more books available physically and in eBook format from the library. Other resources to study the German language.

Italian Language Resources

French Language Resources

Spanish Language Resources

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