INTP 326 American Sign Language VII: e-Articles

This guide points to resources for your capstone project

Finding Articles

Use these core journals to find articles related to deaf education, mental health, and related issues. When you click on the journal-title link, look for the search bar and type in your keywords to retrieve articles. Tip: Check the bibliography or references at the end of articles to find more works. Use the databases below to search thousands of journals on your topic.

If you are looking for Demographics and Employment information, check out this InfoGuide. If you are looking for discrimination topics, check out the Audism InfoGuide.If looking for Deaf and mental health issues, check out this InfoGuideIf interested in Deaf prisoners' rights, check out the organization HEARD, which works on their behalf.

Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association
American Annals of the Deaf
Deafness & Education International, 
Deaf Worlds
Sign Language Studies
Volta Review
Deaf Studies Digital Journal

Finding Papers and Dissertations

The Proquest Dissertations and Theses database will retrieve full-text papers. Use keywords for your topics to find results. See this example of a dissertation.

If you have a citation, try the Citation LInker to locate the material.

Tip: Use the bibliography or references at the end of the papers to find more works. 

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