Accessible Online Library Resources: e-Books

This guide points to online services and resources at The Wallace Library.
Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 11:07 AM

e-Book Accessibility

Some e-Book databases are accessible and offer language options, text to speech readers for HTML documents, and screen reader accessibility. The most commonly used databases will be listed here. If you are using other databases and want to know whether they are accessible, please check out either "accessibility" or "help" links on the database page. Many vendors will send you accessible documents if you are having problems. Take a look at more eBooks in our collection. For more information on book alternatives and text to speech tools, go to the Accessibility Tools InfoGuide

Ebsco eBook Collection

You can use specified browsers and VoiceOver

Information for Blind Users--We test our interface and content with the following screen reader/browser combinations:

Chrome or  MS Edge + JAWS
Firefox + NVDA
Safari + Voiceover

Apple Mobile: Safari + Voiceover
Android Mobile: Chrome + Talkback

Credo Reference

Screen Reader Directions

Text to Speech-After you click on an article, you can see ReadSpeaker above the article. Click ReadSpeaker and it will voice the article. 

Language-There is an option to translate the material into over 60 languages. However ReadSpeaker reads only English The translate tool is above the article. 


PDF files will work with certain screen-readers and tools such a JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver. 


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