Reminders: Start with RIT's Scholar Works database for access to RIT theses, dissertations and papers
-Use Google Scholar with the library's article access app called More@RIT
-Use the yellow MORE box which is the library app fto access fulltext articles
-Continue your background research with the Graduate Specific databases like Web of Science, Proquest Dissertations/Theses .
A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s.
A citation index of over 21,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 science, social sciences, and humanities disciplines. A conference proceedings citation index is included. Links to full text are provided where available.
Wiley Online Library hosts the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. Our subscription provides access to over 1500 journals. Electronic books are not part of our subscription.
An online learning platform with video tutorials in a number of disciplines: 3D, video, business, photography, web design, graphic design, and more. Many tutorials are captioned.
Use of RIT resources is reserved for current RIT students, faculty
and staff for academic and teaching purposes only.
Please contact your librarian with any questions.