How do you cite when you are signing ASL on video and are referring to articles or books?
You need to add the in-text citation on the video as you refer to the paper.
Add the reference at the end of your video
create a reference list
Example of a signer using an in-text citation screenshot. In this presentation, a Deaf professor, Dr. Raychelle Harris, explains how to present using Academic ASL. Note that next to her face, she has a quote from an article, and on the bottom starting with “There are ….”, she includes the in-text citation. Below that is a partial reference:
The full reference list is at the end of the presentation:
Full video: example of a signer using an in-text citation screenshot. In this presentation, a Deaf professor, Dr. Raychelle Harris, explains how to present using Academic ASL.
Adding on-screen titling/citations in post-production
Tips for lighting, positioning, and how to add references on a computer screen.
With easy access to movie production software like iMovie, Final Cut Pro, or even YouTube Studio, adding on-screen titling/citations in post-production is a simple task. When filming yourself for a video presentation, especially an Academic ASL presentation, consider where you place yourself in the frame:
positioning your body and signing space in the left or right of the frame allows placement for on-screen titling (referencing, citations, or other supportive text)
centering yourself with enough space on the left and right of the frame also creates a professional aesthetic and allows room for on-screen titling if necessary
Front lighting should appropriately highlight manual movements and facial expressions but not blow out the signer’s facial features nor create a chiaroscuro effect; backlighting should be removed or heavily minimized
Backgrounds should be solid and devoid of contrasting patterns
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