Publishes studies of health and medicine that take a rhetorical perspective. Such studies combine rhetorical analysis with any number of other methodologies, including critical/cultural analysis, ethnography, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis.
A multidisciplinary and international journal of interest to social scientists, scholars in the humanities and arts, disability rights advocates, and others concerned with the issues of people with disabilities.
Offers a wide range of scholarship that probes current problems and methods and focuses on article-length studies that present the latest research in business and technical communication.
Publishes peer-reviewed, cutting edge research on communications-related issues, as well as relevant materials on the teaching of technical and professional writing and reviews of recently published books.
Publishes interdisciplinary research rhetoric and writing, covering topics such as history, theory, writing, praxis, philosophy, and professional writing.
The official journal of the Rhetoric Society of America, features original articles on all areas of rhetorical studies including theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy.
Original articles, reviews and commentary on all aspects of technical writing addressed to members of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.
While most scholarship in the journal is grounded in rhetorical theory, this often works in conjunction with other theories such as critical race theory, actor-network theory, new materialism, feminist theory, performance studies, queer theory, media studies, or disability studies.
Covers research in social marketing, shared decision-making, communication, psychology, government, and health education in the United States and the world.
Interrogates the `black box’ of what is routinely characterized as `the communicative turn’ in healthcare practice in clinical and public health domains.
Manuscripts relating directly to the understanding of human communication; research reports, critical studies, state of the art reviews, supported opinion papers, and other essays selected through blind review.
Explores the use of computers in writing classes, writing programs, and writing research. It provides a forum for discussing issues connected with writing and computer use
Articles on relations between philosophy & rhetoric. Topics include connections between logic & rhetoric, philosophical aspects of argumentation, views on the nature of rhetoric among historical figures & during historical periods.
Offer a critical and reflective gaze on methodological approaches, understandings and engagements, and worked to counter tendencies that imagined qualitative research could become a taken for granted set of precepts and procedures.
A weekly peer-reviewed medical journal, published by BMJ Group, which in turn is wholly-owned by the British Medical Association. The BMJ has editorial freedom from the BMA. It is one of the world's oldest general medical journals.
a weekly medical journal published by the Massachusetts Medical Society. It is among the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals as well as the oldest continuously published one.
An academic medical journal published by the American College of Physicians and publishes content relevant to the field of internal medicine and related sub-specialties.
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