All research papers require you to include a Works Cited page (also called a bibliography or list of references), which lists the sources in which you retrieved your information, as well as in-text citations. Just remember know which citing style to use and shows the author, title, publisher, publication date, location of the article (DOI), etc.
Each professional organizations decides the order in which to present the publication information .
ACS (American Chemical Society)
IEEE ( engineering society)
AMA (medical and health society)
APA (American Psychological Association) is used by Education, Psychology, and the Sciences.
These disciplines are more concerned with how recent the research was conducted. Therefore, the copyright date in more prominently listed near the beginning of the citation.
MLA (Modern Language Association) style is used by the Humanities.
These disciplines, including fiction, are more concerned with the author/creator of the work. The copyright date, therefore, is listed at the end.