MATH 606 Graduate Seminar: Publishing trends and tools

this guide is designed for the Applied and Computational Mathematics MS and Mathematical Modeling Ph.D. students. It provides links to appropriate resources and library services..

The CRAAP check

Elsevier examples

        Elsevier ScienceDirect source:   

Article type


Review articles

Substantial overview of original research, usually with a comprehensive reference list. Note: Not a book review.

Research articles

Complete report on original research.


Elsevier major reference works.

Book chapters

Individual chapter of a book.

Conference abstracts

Abstract of a paper or oral presentation or poster typically presented in conference proceedings.

Book reviews

A collection of book reviews.

Case reports

A detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient.

Conference info

Information about a conference.


Letter to the editor or a reply to the letter.

Data articles

Publication item describing data.


Argumentative communication, like papers in a discussion, but also perspectives, commentaries, etc.


From the editor of the publication.


Article in which errors are reported that were made in an earlier publication in the same journal.


Examination or quiz, with questions and answers.

Mini reviews

A short review much like a short full-length article.


News item.

Patent reports

A report on newly developed patents.

Practice guidelines

A report that describes guidelines for effective diagnosis or treatment of a medical condition.

Product reviews

A review of a product (e.g., a review of software, hardware, medical products, etc.).

Replication studies

A replication of a scientific study.

Short communications

A short report or announcement of research, usually claiming certain results. Appear under many names, such as letter papers, preliminary notes, notes, etc.

Software publications

A publication item containing software or a description of software.

Video articles

A publication item whose primary content is a video accompanied by a description of that video.


All other types not mentioned above.v

Example publishing issues and trends




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