Finding and Working with Data: Claritas 360


Claritas 360 is a robust database of consumer research including demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral data.  Users can compile reports using a cross-section of characteristics (e.g. consumer behaviors by geographic location) to determine buying habits, market potential, and more.

The information on this page will help you choose a report and understand the Claritas PRIZM Premier Segments, a data point frequently used when generating a Clartis 360 report.

Use the link below to access the database and remember to contact a librarian if you have any questions using this resource!

Choosing a Report Type

What each report type measures

  Behaviors Demographics Geography Segments
Behaviors Profile Ranking Index N/A Market Potential Target Segment MeasureProfile Worksheet
Demographics N/A N/A Consumer Concentration N/A
Geography Market Potential Consumer Concentration N/A Target ConcentrationSegment Distribution
Segments Target Segment MeasureProfile Worksheet N/A Target ConcentrationSegment Distribution N/A

Where to find each report type

  • Consumer Concentration: Reports → Standard Reports → Demographic Reports → Consumer Concentration
  • Market Potential: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Lifestyler Reports → Market Potential
  • Profile Ranking Index: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Profiler Reports → Profile Ranking Index
  • Profile Worksheet: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Profiler Reports → Profile Worksheet
  • Segment Distribution: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Market Overview Reports → Segment Distribution
  • Target Concentration: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Locator Reports → Target Concentration
  • Target Segment Measure: Reports → Segmentation Reports → Lifestyler Reports → Target Segment Measure

Created by Lara Nicosia

Understanding the Consumer Segments

Claritas PRIZM Premier classifies consumers into 68 segments, further divided into Lifestage Groups and Social Groups. The diagram on the right demonstrates how three segments (Aspiring A-Listers, Generation Web, Striving Selfies) share overlapping characteristics, but no two segments have entirely the same characteristics.


For instance, while all three segments are in the Young Achievers Lifestage Group, only Generation Web and Striving Selfies are in the City Centers Social Group. Aspiring A-Listers are in the Midtown Mix Social Group (not listed).

For a list of all 68 segments, please visit:
Claritas PRIZM Premier Segment Details

Created by Lara Nicosia

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