Deaf Demographics and Employment: Papers & Dissertations

This guide will point you to resources to help you find demographics and employment information

Finding Papers and Dissertations

Use keywords like employment or  "Americans with Disabilities Act" to find relevant works.

If you want healthcare career information for the DHH community, check out this website: Health Care Careers for the DHH Community.

You will need the title of the book to locate the book by using the RIT Libraries Catalog. You will need the periodical or journal title to locate the journal article by using the Journal Finder.

The Proquest Dissertations and Theses database will retrieve full-text papers. Use keywords like Deaf AND employment, Deaf AND "Americans with Disabilities Act," and related terms to find information on your topic.

Try the Citation Linker to locate the material if you have a citation.

Tip: Use the bibliography or references at the end of the papers to find more works. 

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