HIST 330 Deafness and Technology: Apps and New Technologies



New technologies are being developed all the time. Linda Gottermeier <lggnca@ntid.rit.edu> and Bonnie Bastian <blbnca@ntid.rit.edu> have done research on apps for the DHH community, such as sign language, speech, text to voice, and other apps. Contact them for more information.

MUSEAI Information--Make your museum exhibits accessible. 

SquareGlow-Offers wi-fi or non-wi-fi lighting technology for your doorbell and videophone as well as other alerts. Lights can flash in different colors. You can use your phone to get alerts when someone is at the door, etc. 

RIT Only--TigerChat was designed to help make communication easier as vocal information and visual cues are more difficult to relay when wearing a mask. TigerChat App is a new way for RIT community members to use speech recognition to chat with deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Learn more at https://www.rit.edu/ready/tigerchat or start using the app at https://tigerchat.app/chat.

· Provides real-time conversation to users by typing or using automatic speech recognition (ASR)

· Can be added to your laptop or mobile screens – no download required

o Go to: tigerchat.app

o Or select the app icon on the RIT Mobile app

· Must use your RIT G Suite username to log in (ex. abc1234@g.rit.edu)

o If you have not yet opted in to RIT G Suites go to start.rit.edu and choose Google Preferences

· Contact the team at tigerchat@rit.edu or follow on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ntidcat/ )


There is a speech-to-text and text-to-speech app called &Ava that is free for RIT users. Deaf people can invite others to download the free app. Each person brings his phone to the meeting after downloading the free app. The app connects to other devices and leverages its microphones to listen to and interpret conversations. Each person’s conversation is color-coded - I find it best to use it with 1 or 2 people but you can use it for up to 5 people.

Once you install the app, you need to trust Transcense Inc., so for the iOS device go to Settings>General>Profiles>Transcense, Inc. When you click on the app, you need to click “host this conversation”  and add your &name. There is another option that says “join this conversation” and you add & the name of the person hosting the conversion.

Another app is Microsoft Translator which can translate from English to English and other languages.

InnoCaption- this is a real-time captioning app for mobile phones available only to Deaf people for free. They can register for the service. 

The Sorenson ntouch Videophone Mobile App allows barrier-free phone communication on mobile phones using relay services. Voice callers may call the Deaf person and use the relay services as well. The Deaf person sees the interpreter/operator signing what the voice user is saying, and the voice caller hears what the Deaf person is signing. A nice feature is "videomail"-Deaf consumers can get messages on "videomail" if they miss a call.


The Glide Video Messenger allows people to send signing video messages and record live on their mobile phones.







The Convo Light App can change light color or make the lights flash in response to a mobile phone call. The app uses Philips Hue light bulbs.


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