Finding aids give a summary of a collection and sometimes a detailed inventory list. The following 'finding aids' are about Deaf Technology.
The RIT Archives is in the library building and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. It is best to make appointments with the archivists. You can also use the contact page with their phone numbers and emails.
VistaPhone and articles about this device
Captioned Decoder, TDD, and Videophone donated by Alan and Vicki Hurwitz
Light flashers for alerting the Deaf person to the phone, doorbell, baby cries, etc.
Guide to the Harry Lang Videotapes and Typescripts 1998-2000
The videotapes document interviews Mr. Lang conducted to research his book on developing the TTY, A Phone of Their Own. They include the following tapes:
First TTY modem
It was invented in 1964 by Robert Weibrecht (a deaf inventor) and donated by Dr. Harry Lang.
Lee Brody NJ-NY TTY Business
(he invented Braille TTY for blind users)
NJ-NY PC Deaf Connection Records
Teletypewriter Phones-Donated by Deaf Community Members