Deaf Theatre and Drama: Deaf Studies, Culture & History Archive

Explore resources related to Deaf Theatre and Drama

Finding Deaf Theater Collections

Poster of a woman seated against a dark background. My responsibilities as the NTID Librarian are to help develop the Deaf Studies, Culture & History Archive, gather collections, and teach classes using the collection.

The Deaf Studies, Culture & History Archive  has interesting collections related to the Deaf Theatre and Performing Arts.  The Finding Aids are available for your review. Please note that there are more collections beyond what is shown in this guide and the finding aids.

The RIT Archives is in the library building and is open Monday-Friday from 9 am-12 pm and 1 pm-5pm. It is best to make appointments with the archivists using the contact page.

Faculty, if you are interested in booking a class to review these or other items, please get in touch with Joan Naturale, NTID Librarian at or call 585-286-4635 (V/VP). 

Highlighted Deaf Studies, Culture & History Archive Collections
View a PDF of a PowerPoint to get an idea of our rich collections.

Recommended links to Deaf Museums and Archives and Deaf History periodicals are listed for your review.

Theatre and Film Highlights
Discover the rich collections of the National Theatre of the Deaf, NTID Drama Club, Bernard Bragg, Lights On, the Deaf Rochester Film Festivals, Deaf Film Posters, and related materials.

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