Deaf Rochester Film Fests: Introduction

This guide describes the DRFF collections from 2005-2020.


This guide will assist you with researching your topics. It helps you find articles, use selected databases and websites, and find search tips related to this topic.

Please note that some of our DVDs are off-site. If you need to find an offsite video, this short video shows you how to request an offsite video (i.e., building 99).  It takes a day or two for the DVD to be delivered to the Library Services Desk, where you can pick it up. 

You can use the Request tab to deliver the DVD to the library for pick-up. Suppose you want this DVD (Verkannte Menschen or Misjudged People). When you click on the library catalog link, it says the subtitled DVD is off-site. Click on the Request tab, click on Rochester, fill in your library account information using your email username and password, click submit, and the DVD will be delivered. You will get an email that is is ready for pick-up.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me, Joan Naturale - I am the NTID and Deaf Studies Librarian and am happy to help.


Search for a video using our Library Catalog below.

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