Cite While You Write can be installed from the Downloads menu option in EndNote Online.
Cite While You Write works with Microsoft Word for Windows or Mac. For best results, use the most current version of Cite While You Write with the most current version of Word.
After installation, you will see an EndNote toolbar in Word. To use Cite While You Write, you must log in with the same email address and password you use for EndNote on the web.
Use "Insert Citations" to search your library of references. "Edit Citations" allows you to make changes to citations within your document (it does not edit the source reference in EndNote).
The styles available are any you have saved as your personal favorites in EndNote.
Update and Convert Citations and Bibliography are used to make changes to the appearance of citations in your document, both in-text and in the bibliography.
Because RIT subscribes to Web of Science, all EndNote compatible citation styles are available to use. Over 100 citation styles are currently enabled for RIT EndNote online users.
If the style you wish to use is not enabled, click the "Chat/Emai/Appointments" button to the right and contact the author of this guide to request it.