Manga and Graphic Novels: Zines by Deaf Authors/Artists
Last Updated: Oct 25, 2024 10:27 AM

Zines by Deaf Authors

We have a collection of deaf-authored zines in the circulating collection that you can review. Check out the following zines by Mia Milling (an alumna) and visit her website

Audism 101
Eleven Underrated Deaf Pioneers
Friends with the Wolf
Here's How to Feel Less Awkward Around Deaf People
My Hands Full
Screaming and Screaming into the Void (online only)

Check out the following zines by Adrean Clark and visit her website

The Cost of Heaven
Want Song
The Way Above
The Green Skyway--in archives
Survival ASL for Zinesters
Want Song
Paper Bag Princess (popup zine, handle with care)--in archives
Don't Be Ugly--in archives

Deaf Zinsters
Broken Pencil Magazine Spring 2018 Issue 79: Deaf Zinester's Won't Wait Up available in archives, Z1033.U58 B76

Check out the following resources on zines. 

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