MGMT 765 Applied Venture Creation: Where can I find...

Hello from Jennifer!

photo of Jennifer Freer in blue shirt

Hi! I am Jennifer Freer, your business librarian! I can help you navigate through the library business resources to find information, articles, and books. I can also help with citation in APA, MLA and Chicago plus I can help you use Zotero.  The green button above has links to book an appointment or try to catch me on chat. Email to ask questions if that works better for you!

Training Video for Resources (Everything in this video can be applied to MGMT 765))
Below is a training video followed by a list of resources to research industries, consumer demographics, companies and more.

Claritas 360 mentioned 44 minutes into the video was discontinued by the vendor in January 2025.

Where Can I Find.....

A nice overview of a product/service/industry?

There are also many specialized terms used in IBISWorld. One term not defined in the glossary but heavily used in reports is sector

From IBISWorld via and email exchange in Dec 2021: A sector can then be designated as either primary, secondary, tertiary or quaternary.

  • Companies classified in the primary sector primarily extract and harvest resources from the earth, like agriculture, mining or forestry.
  • The secondary sector comprises businesses that are involved in processing, manufacturing and construction.
  • Businesses in the tertiary sector provide services, such as retailers or financial companies.
  • Lastly, the quaternary sector is composed of knowledge-oriented businesses, such as educational institutions.

With each additional digit added to a NAICS code, the scope of the group of businesses narrows, leaving the most similar companies classified into industries with the longest codes. At the four-digit NAICS code level, companies receive the designation of industry group, which is subsequently further broken down into specific industries as additional fifth and sixth digits are added. An industry is the narrowest classification in NAICS and comprises companies operating in the same business sphere of the economy, with the most similar attributes.

Take a look at this definition of sector from Investopedia.

If you are unfamiliar with NAICS and SIC codes take a look at these sites. They are classification numbers the US government uses to group like industries it has categorized. Not every industry is represented and not every information product uses these groupings.

The SIC system pre-dates NAICS and therefore does not account for industries which emerged after SIC was established. Some databases like Data Axle and Hoovers try to accommodate for this by adding extra digits beyond the 4 digit SIC code. These are not the same as NAICS.

Not all databases use NAICS or SIC codes for searching. It is only one of many methods to use.

The demographics of people in the United States in general?

Demographics of people in the United States who might buy a specific product/service?

Business Demographics


Try locating trade publications for the target industries. They may have Media Kits which detail the demographics of subscribers. For example let's say your product is sold to or competes with the semiconductor industry. The trade magazine Semiconductor Digest has a Media Kit to help advertisers know some of the demographics of those who subscribe to the magazine. Sometimes the data or general, sometimes detailed, sometimes for the person and sometimes for the business. Try a Google search "media kit" keyword


Company Profiles

Competitors for a specific company?

Companies within an industry?

Market share?


The latest news about a company, industry, product or service?

Basic news about the United States economy?

Financials, profit/loss, income statements and balance sheets for companies?

Ratios and financials for industries to help build an income statement and balance sheet?

Last Thoughts

Use the open web! There may be information not listed above that supports your arguments for the viability of your product or service! When you do find info make sure it is reliable and truthful.

Do not use ChatGPT other generative tools to input your patentable or unique ideas as they may become part of teh training model depending on what service you use.

Verify any info you do get from a generative ai service as it maybe a hallucination! These services are amazing but they are not lexical or sematic search engines.

Read about hallucinations:

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