NCAR 100 Freshman Seminar Library Resources: Deaf Studies Materials

This guide gives an overview to library resources

Finding Deaf Studies Materials

Book cover of the book, Many Ways to be Deaf showing a photograph of many Deaf people.

We have Deaf Studies materials you can view and check out. The Deaf Studies DVD collection covers various topics such as Deaf Biographies, Sign Language Instruction, Deaf Poetry, Short Stories in Sign Language, and more. We also have extensive print and online book collections. Most of the print collection is located in the HV 2300-HV 2600 call number areas. Other Deaf related titles are scattered throughout the general collections, i.e., if you are looking for Deaf Artists, you will find this in the Artists collection.

We have the Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People (online and print) and the SageDeaf Studies Encyclopedia.

You can also find print and online Deaf journals. The print journals are alphabetically on the Current Magazine Shelves and cannot be checked out. We also have bound journals of past issues in the HV 2300-HV 2600 call number areas. Examples of Deaf magazines and journals are Deaf Life, Deaf History Journal, Deaf History International, Deaf American, and Deaf Rochester News. The Deaf American magazines may be checked out.

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