There are different types of articles you should consider when you are doing your assignment. Your professor may specify you include a particular article. You should use different types of sources for your paper.
Reference Articles-you will find these articles in encyclopedias and handbooks. They give you an overview of the topic and background information.
Viewpoint Articles--you will find these articles in the databases Opposing Viewpoints and SIRS Researcher. They offer an opinion and explain why they have an opinion about an issue. These articles are used for debates or argumentation or persuasive paper/presentation.
Research Articles--these articles are also known as peer-reviewed or academic articles, are written by experts and have research data about a topic. These can be found in Proquest Complete and Ebsco databases as well as many other databases. The articles are long-10-20 pages or so.
Popular Articles--these are general interest articles published in popular magazines written by journalists, not experts.
Newspaper Articles-these are general articles found in newspapers written by journalists.
Images-Sometimes you have to find images, and we have image databases such as the Associated Press database, and images found in many of our databases. You may need to find a cartoon, for example, to illustrate a political viewpoint.
Statistics--these provide numerical information.
Infographics--these provide short, succinct information about important points and use graphics to display information
Audio--these are generally radio interviews with transcripts
Videos-there are documentaries or entertainment videos you can use to illustrate a point (using short clips)
Websites-the databases I show you also evaluate the best websites which you can use to supplement your articles.