The image at left is a journal cover. The library has many databases that have scholarly articles. However, there are a few Deaf core journals that publish the most articles related to Deaf and Psychology topics.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (JADARA)
American Annals of the Deaf
Deafness & Education International,
Deaf Worlds
Sign Language Studies
Volta Review
Deaf Studies Digital Journal
Trade Magazine
Odyssey: New Directions in Deaf Education
You can search within the journal to retrieve articles or use the databases below. Use the A-Z Journal List to find journal print and online holdings.
Tip: You must access the databases through the library website. If you go to Google and find an article you like and it asks you to pay for it, DO NOT pay for it. It is probably in our databases or you can get the article for free through our interlibrary loan services.
Rochester, NY is the home of the National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR) and focuses on Community-Based Participatory Research. There is a higher risk of health-related issues, including mental health and addiction among the Deaf and HH population.. Check out the extensive bibliography. You can view the publications and presentations of NCDHR. They also publish vlogs and the Healthy Signs Newsletters.
ASL Videos for the Deaf Community to better understand research concepts:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about DWW in ASL Vlog or Text
What is Informed Consent? in ASL Vlog or Text
I want to become a Research Volunteer in ASL Vlog or Text
What is a Randomized Controlled Trial? in ASL Vlog or Text
What is a Cognitive Interview? in ASL Vlog or Text
What is Peer Driven Recruitment? in ASL Vlog
View other Vlogs from the National Center for Deaf Health Research