Business Faculty Guide: Welcome to RIT Libraries

Hello from Jennifer!

photo of Jennifer Freer in blue shirt

Hi! I am Jennifer Freer, your business librarian! I can help you navigate through the library business resources to find information, articles, and books. I can also help with citation in APA, MLA and Chicago plus I can help you use Zotero.  The green button above has links to book an appointment or try to catch me on chat. Email to ask questions if that works better for you!

October 5, 2022 Presentation


The RIT Libraries are like most libraries and also unique to the needs of RIT faculty, students and staff. We have a circulating book collection, information databases, access to inter-library loan (branded IDS) and a dedicated business subject librarian.

During Summer 2023 our library building is closed due to the construction of the Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED).

Library support includes research assistance, library instruction for courses, database training, collection development, citation assistance.

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Use of RIT resources is reserved for current RIT students, faculty and staff for academic and teaching purposes only.
Please contact your librarian with any questions.

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