Black Deaf Resources: Biographical Information

Finding Deaf African Americans

Use the Gallaudet Biography Database to find Deaf African Americans. You can browse by ethnicity. Note that this database uses the keywords Afro Americans. 

If interested in articles about Deaf African Americans in popular periodicals, check out the Deaf Life magazine. It is helpful to have the name of the person you are looking for. You can also search the Gallaudet Deaf Periodicals Database to find articles in a variety of magazines.  Check the A-Z Journal Finder list to see if we have the title. If we do not have the magazine, you can use Interlibrary Loan for free. You must register and then you can order articles and books for free.

This record is from the Deaf Biography Database. Note the References. These are articles, book chapters, and other items where you can find more information about the person. You can look up the title of books using our RIT Libraries Catalog,
Screenshot of a Gallaudet Deaf Biography Database bio description and citations about Glenn Anderson.

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