DMSO 460 Admin & Res in Sonography: Introduction, Where to get Help

Ultrasound/Sonography course guide

Class Agenda and Takeaways



      Today is a rrefresher on Research Principles and Techniques (How to do searches, write references, etc.)

  1. Critical Thinking: Be aware of publishing issues and information trends during your career .
  2. Online demos of free library services, library resources , library apps.
  3. How to conduct searches, cite your references, where to get help


Example search topics:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Amniotic band syndrome
  • Neonatal and infant head
  • Endometrial adenocarcinoma


Methods of basic research, developing writing strategies, and oral presentations are stressed.   Speaking, writing, and researching skills are explored.  

  1. Students develop or critique a research project and prepare a written document following common publishing guidelines in addition to making oral presentations.
  2. Additionally, candidates prepare a complete plan for an ultrasound department as if they had been hired to establish a new department in a hospital setting. The candidates work together to develop the physical facilities, administrative, and financial aspects of a department.

Need Help?

For further assistance :

  1. Stop by Wallace Library first floor 05-1424
  2. Contact me at  
  3. Use the IM chat box on my online guides
  4. Zoom appointment calendar:









    Adwoa Boateng Ed.D

   College of Science and College of Health Sciences & Technology

    Science Librarian


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