Audism and Deaf-Gain: Guide Contents

This guide points to resources about Audism and Deaf-Gain

Guide Contents

DVD cover of title in capitalized white font "Audism Unveiled". It shows the hands signing in white and gray shades 'oppression' with a hand using an S handshape  on top of a 5 handshape' This guide will assist you with Audism and Deaf Gain research. In addition to recommending online videos and DVDs, this guide helps find articles, uses selected databases and websites, and provides search tips related to this topic. The What is Audism? Guide from Gallaudet University Library defines Audism (from the Latin audire, to hear, and -ism, a system of practice, behavior, belief, or attitude) as:

"The notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or to behave in the manner of one who hears." Tom Humphries coined this term in his 1977 dissertation. Harlan Lane popularized the term when he published the Mask of Benevolence book. Audism relates to linguicism and linguicide. Linguism is discrimination against a person because of his language choice and use. Linguicide refers to the death of a language that a community no longer uses. Sometimes, you may hear the phrase "hearing privilege" related to the concept of audism.

Deaf Gain in contrast to 'hearing loss' is defined as a "reframing of “Deaf” as a form of sensory and cognitive diversity that has the potential to contribute to the greater good of humanity" (Bauman and Murray, 2009).  For example, discoveries have been made in the fields of language, linguistics, cognitive sciences, technology, sociology, architecture, education, and transnational cultures due to the contributions of the Deaf and Signing Communities (Bauman & Murray, 2009).

Related concepts include the theories of Deaf Community Cultural Wealth (Listman, Rogers & Hauser, 2011) and Deaf Capital (Presentation, Hauser & Kurz, 2014). Jason Listman, Peter Hauser, and Kim Kurz are NTID faculty. A good article to read is Audism: A Theory and Practice of Audiocentric Privilege by Richard Eckert and Amy Rowley. Another article is The Disabled Academy: The Experiences of Deaf Faculty at Predominantly Hearing Institutions by LIssa Stapleton.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me, Joan Naturale - I am the NTID and Deaf Studies Librarian and am happy to help.

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