The Deaf Way II title is repeated under the globe. Here are selected DVDs about Audism and Deaf-Gain. These DVDs from the Deaf Media collection may be borrowed for up to 6 weeks. Other DVDs are available at the Reserve Desk and must be viewed in the library. Professors can borrow them for class viewings. Use the RIT Libraries Catalog to find more DVDs on these topics. In the catalog search box below use the keywords Audism or "discrimination AND deaf", "deaf AND oppression", or "deaf AND civil rights". Use the keywords "deaf culture", "deaf way", "deaf space" or Deafhood to find Deaf-Gain concepts. Narrow from the entire catalog to Videos and DVDs.
If you need to find a video offsite, this short video shows you how to request an offsite video (ie, building 99). It takes a day or two for the DVD to be delivered to the Library Services Desk, where you can pick it up.
Deaf people express their experiences of Audism and Deaf-Gain through Prose and Poetry, Sign Language Poetry and Literature, Drama, Cinema, and Visual Arts.