Audism and Deaf-Gain: Online Videos

This guide points to resources about Audism and Deaf-Gain

Finding Online Videos

Selected YouTube videos about Audism and Deaf Gain are posted. The videos show scholars from the Deaf Studies field explaining how these terms came to be defined, showing a different perspective, and experiences of the Deaf community. The impact of audism and linguicism on the developing Deaf person is shared. Contributions of the Deaf community are expounded upon in the Deaf-Gain videos.

Effects of Audism and Linguicism on the Developing Deaf Person by Peter Hauser, Ph.D

Deaf History Month: Audism by Sorenson

Bay Area Premiere of 'Audism Unveiled'

Not Hearing Loss: Deaf Gain by Marlee Matlin

Deaf Gain and Deaf Space

Audism and Deaf Gain Lecture by Dirksen Bauman, Ph.D

Reframing: From Hearing Loss to Deaf Gain-Joseph Murray

The Deaf Studies Digital Journal presents research and information in ASL, along with written text. The video above refers to the article below.

This article describes the shift in framing deafness as defined by hearing loss to Deaf-gain. Dirksen Bauman, Ph.D. and Joseph J. Murray, Ph.D. 2009.

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