As of January 2025, this guide is in the process of being updated. Some information may still be out-of-date. Please contact Claire Payne, CAD Librarian, at with any questions or points of confusion.
Below are several databases and websites that provide important information about country data, customs, etiquette, culture and doing business across the world. In addition, here is a link to the Business Librarian's Guide on International Business for in-depth resources and analysis.
Country Insights
Great source of cultural work differences from the Canadian government.
The Hofstede Centre - Strategy - Culture -- Change
"Insights into national and organizational culture" by Geert Hofstede, authority on workplace influenced by culture.
Executive Planet
Various guides on culture and negotiation for multiple countries
International Business Etiquette, Manners & Culture
Select country guides using Geert Hofstede's Analysis.
Country Commercial Guides (US government)
Free from the U.S. government. Each report is designed to help business people understand the basic of doing business in other countries.
Doing Business in..(World Bank Group)
The World Bank's reference tool for comparing the cost of doing business in countries around world. Their methodology.
Doing Business in.. (Baker & McKenzie)
The international law firm Baker & McKenzie has free guides to the legal aspects of doing business in various countries.