Deaf and World War II: N. American Online Videos

Find resources related to Deaf People during the WW II years.

Online Videos

If the online videos are also available as a DVD in the  Deaf Media collection and/or in the Deaf Studies, Culture & History Archive collection, this will be noted. Most of the online videos are available in the Deaf People and WW II website and/or other websites. Click on the titles to access the online videos. The Films on Demand video segment below shares information about David Bloch. If you need to find a video offsite, this short video shows you how to request an offsite video (ie, building 99).  It takes a day or two for the DVD to be delivered to the Library Services Desk, where you can pick it up.

A screenshot of David Bloch from Films on Demand. He has white hair and glasses. He is wearing a gray cardigan  over a blue and red plaid shirt and is in a seated position.

NTID Video Interviews of Survivors

An Interview with Frank Stiefel, son of Ingelore (Stiefel) Honigstein: October 21, 2006 by

An Interview with Ingelore (Stiefel) Honigstein : October 21, 2006

An interview with Lilly Rattner Shirey by Patricia Durr

International Conference on Deaf History

American Schools and the Depression Years
Available as a DVD-R only in the Deaf Media collection, HV2367.I68 1991 no.15

20th Century Chicago Stories

20th Century Chicago Stories: Deaf Lives & Experiences
Available as a DVD only in the Deaf Media collections, HV2373.T92 2005.
World War II: the deaf soldier / John Edlund (10 min.) -- World War II: the deaf workers / Jenny Bratanch (4 min.)


Exodus: A Deaf Jewish Family Escapes the Holocaust by Patricia Durr
Also available as a DVD  in Deaf Studies Archive, D804.196 .E96 2006

Worry: A Jewish DeafBlind Survivor Shares Her Story
by Patricia Durr

Also available as a DVD in Deaf Studies Archives,  D804.196 .W67 2009.

Simon Carmel Interviews

Also available as DVDs in Deaf Studies Archive, RITDSA.0004

David Bloch

Stanley Teger

Frida Wurmfeld

Simon Carmel and his work by Patricia Durr

Jewish Heritage and Holidays in ASL
Available as DVD-R only in the Deaf Media Collection, HV2474.J48 2000z. Look at "Simon Carmel, the Holocaust: A Deaf Perspective, tape 5.

NJ Convention Survivors Testimonies
Available as DVD-Rs only in the Deaf Media collection, D804.196.N4 2007. Video footage of the 1990 New Jersey Deaf Jewish Convention. Deaf Holocaust survivors give their testimonies. Simon Carmel interviews Laszlo Bardos, from Hungary, Magda Zimmet Bardos, from Hungary, and Ludovi Wurmfeld, from Czechoslovakia.

Hey Listen!

Deaf Holocaust Survivors
Also available as a DVD in the Deaf Media Collection, D804.196 .H65 1989b and Deaf Studies Archive,  RITDSA.0004  collections. Guests are David Bloch and Stanley Teger and are interviewed by Jacqueline Schertz.. David was a prisoner of Auschwitz in the early 1940s. Ninety-eight members of Stanley's family were killed at Treblinka. The stories of these two men and their love for life are truly inspiring.

USC Shoah Foundation Institute

Eugene Bergman
Also available as DVD in Deaf Studies Archive, D804.196 B47 1996

David Bloch
Also available as DVD in Deaf Studies Archive, D804.196.B56 2003

Elizabeth DeJong
Also available as DVD in Deaf Studies Archive, D804.196.F45 2003

Rose Rosman
Also available as DVD in Deaf Studies Archive, D804.196.R67 2003

Miriam Rubin
Also available as DVD in Deaf Studies Archive, D804.196 .R82 2003

Peter Farago
Available only as DVD in Deaf Studies Archive, D804.196.F37 2003

Gallaudet University Online Videos

Some Activities of the Deaf
A message to the deaf people of America, presented by the president Tom L. Anderson of N.A.D. Scene of N.A.D. donating a clubmobile to the Red Cross for the World War II from the victory fund compiled by the Deaf people of America. Showing of the Red Cross volunteers with soldiers.

Sign Poetry

Only 13
Quebec Theatre of the Deaf with Peter Cook and Kenny Lerner. Available as a DVD in the Deaf Media collection, PN4151.F59 2012

A Neglected Cultural Legacy: Life Stories of Deaf Women

Ruth Miyauchi for Hannah Holmes
Also available as a DVD -  Deaf Media, HV2534.H65 N44 1999

Evelyn L. Preston Interview with Marion Intrator
Also available as a DVD- Deaf Media, HV2534.I682 N44 1999

Other Interviews of Survivors


Forgotten People: Deaf People's Contributions During WW II by Barbara Kannapel
Also available as a DVD-  Deaf Media and Deaf Studies Archive collections, HV2474 .A72 1987 no. 62 and HV2530.F67 1999

Ingelore Honigstein: A Deaf Jewish Woman Shares her Experiences in Nazi Germany

Also available as a DVD Deaf Media, D804.196.H664 2007

Japanese Americans in WW II
American Culture: The Deaf Perspective: Program 4: Deaf Minorities by San Francisco Public Library.
Also available as a DVD-Deaf Media, HV2545 .A455 2000z no. 4

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