Museum Studies: Welcome & Staying Current

This guide will help you get started with your museum studies and public history research. In addition to recommending useful databases, this guide provides information about museums, collections, and exhibitions, professional organizations, how to keep i

Welcome & How to Stay Current

Extended realities present opportunities for museums to engage with virtual and

augmented worlds and to use these arenas as spaces for interpretation and engagement,

    such as at local museums like Genesee Country Village & Museum           

 Photo credit: Koda Drake     


Welcome to the infoguide for Museum Studies. As an multidisciplinary field, museum studies incorporates scholarship centered around many disciplines -- from art to zoology. Therefore, information about museums can be found in books, articles, and websites across many fields of study.

This guide will help you get started with your research and provide you with information such as:

  • locating peer-reviewed/scholarly articles in support of your research

  • resources that provide access to a variety of image collections

  • professional organizations related to the fields of museum and public history 

  • an extensive list of links to online/open access collections

  • excellent virtual collections/exhibits

  • blogs on interest


Staying current with RSS

RSS feeds are used to automatically notify subscribers of new content added to a website or blog. You can use a free RSS reader service to compile these notifications in one place or have them sent directly to your email.

Need a recommendation on an RSS reader service? Click here or just Google "rss readers" to find your own. Not sure how to subscribe to a feed? Click here.

Websites to follow:

Staying current with Alerts

Many professional journals allow you to subscribe to a free alert service. When new issues of that journal are published, subscribers receive an email with the table of contents and links to each article. Journal alerts are a great way to stay informed about what new research is being done in your field.

Publications to follow:

Industry Blogs

Blogs are an excellent way to stay up to date with discourse within an industry. Below are several recommended blogs:

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