NTID Establishment and Building Dedication: 1971 NTID Building Groundbreaking & Dedication


(1971 June 4) NTID Building Groundbreaking and Dedication

This photo shows four students (two hearing and two deaf) breaking ground and holding the shovel.

A photo of four students, 2 hearing and 2 Deaf are breaking ground and holding the shovel.

See the NTID Focus Magazine link below for more details. This issue includes an article about Dr. Robert F. Panara giving a speech. 

After the National Advisory Board officially announced RIT as the location for NTID on November 14, 1966, the architectural firm of Hugh Stubbins and Associates was hired to design the new complex. The groundbreaking was held in 1971. Construction took three years to complete, and the dedication of the $27.5 million NTID facilities took place on October 5, 1974. The original complex for NTID included the Lyndon Baines Johnson Hall academic building; Mark Ellingson Hall, Peter Peterson Hall and Residence Hall D student housing; and the Shumway Dining Commons.

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