Thesis Instructions: Binding Information

Thesis and Dissertation Binding

ONCE YOUR SUBMISSION TO PROQUEST HAS BEEN APPROVED, you are free to bind for personal use or for your department.  Please consult with your department on whether they require a print copy.

Once your submission has been approved AND delivered to ProQuest you will be able to purchase bound copies through ProQuest. We are recommending that students and departments utilize ProQuest as the secured vendor for publishing thesis/dissertations. ProQuest is the preferred bindery to ensure the acceptance of the thesis/dissertation.

Please note that ProQuest prints and binds the PDF on file in Dissertations and Theses Global.  Bound copies may be ordered and reordered at any time.  Visit the ProQuest Dissertation Express site and search for your name as an author, or the title of your thesis or dissertation.  Pricing is controlled by ProQuest; the library does not have any control over prices for bound theses/dissertations.

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