Dr. Robert F. Panara: Panara Exhibit Opportunity


Panara Exhbit Opportunity

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Dr. Robert F. Panara Exhibit at RIT Museum

Want to help shape an exhibit on the Panara Exhibit at the RIT Museum in the Wallace Library? We’re looking for NTID students to share their perspectives and collaborate in curating this exciting project. The exhibit will include the story of Dr. Robert F. Panara, a pioneering Deaf professor at NTID. This is an opportunity to research, collaborate, and influence how this history is represented. 

You can highlight his work in: 

1-Deaf Education-involvement with NAG as the only Deaf member. The advisory group selected RIT as the site for NTID. He arrived at NTID in 1967 to help prepare for the 1968 charter class. He suggested support services that provide interpreters, notetakers, and tutors for mainstream Deaf students at RIT. He was noted as a creative professor who emphasized active learning. 

2-NTID and Deaf Theatre-He founded the NTID Drama Club and co-founded the National Theatre of the Deaf (NTD). He invited NTD to perform at RIT/NTID. He oversaw plays such as The Taming of the Shrew and wrote original scripts like Planet of the Deaf. He loved Shakespeare and taught Shakespeare in his classes. 

3-Deaf Literature, Poetry, and Film-he studied and taught classes on  Deaf writers, poets, and Deaf characters in Literature and Film. He was also involved with advising on Captioned Films for the Deaf. Deaf people liked to gather in their homes to watch captioned films as a social event. 

4. Deaf poet--he wrote poetry and was known for his "On His Deafness" poem. This poem was selected for use in literature textbooks used in schools. There are videos of Panara signing his poems.

5--Deaf Studies--He published a Deaf biography book and videos about Great Deaf Americans, showcasing successful Deaf people in various career

6-Baseball fan-he was an avid baseball fan, advocating for the inclusion of 'Dummy Hoy' in the Baseball Hall of Fame for creating baseball signs used in the game. 

How You Will Be Involved:

  • Collaborate with students from Museum Studies, RIT Archives, and the NTID Librarian in the overall curation of the exhibit
  • Propose themes, designs, and exhibit layout
  • Represent the Deaf community's voice in curating the exhibit

Why Participate?

  • Learn about Dr. Panara’s impact on Deaf education, literature, and culture
  • Contribute to an important exhibit that will open in June 2025
  • Option to use this as an alternative assignment for a class, earn extra credit, or volunteer
  • Looks great on your resume!

Meeting Info:

  • We’ll meet during the semester (fall 2024)

We are looking forward to working with you!

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