Dr. Robert F. Panara: Deaf Poetry Collection


Panara Collection: Poetry

Box 4: Robert Panara Deaf Characters in Literature Collection in archives (RITDSA.0032).

Sign Mind by Jim Cohn

Sung in Silence by Howard Terry

The Tactile Mind - Freedom 4

You and I by Felix Kowalewski

Words From a Deaf Child by Merv Garretson

 A is for Alice by Loy Golladay

 Bitterweed by Rex Lowman

 Gestures by Dorothy Miles

Handful of Quietness by Earl Sollenberger

My Heart Can Hear by C. Allan Dunham

 A Bad Hear Day by Sal Parlato Jr.

Book One: Man is Marching by Paul Pyers Jr.

Book Two: The Talking Rock and Other Poems by Paul Pyers Jr.

The Silent Muse by Robert Panara

Backward Glances by Smoky Mountain Manuscript Club

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