Introduction- What you should know:
- Library Service IDS - Go to r services at library webpage. Need to register to request free full text articles.
- Zotero tutorials
- After class Assistance available via appointment calendar:
- After class Poster/Communicating & Writing assistance in the library: Expressive Communication Center and University Writing Program
- Publishing Trends discussion: DOI, ORCID, AI technology & research in your profession, Medical Retracted papers questions for class
Course Poster/JDMS Paper assignment:
- JDMS - AI/Chat GPT policy and instructions
- Citing with AMA style
- JDMS uses the AMA citing format
- AMA Examples in JDMS Author manual page 9
Browsing for Medical Information suggestions:
- Frame your search thought with PICO (P=patient/population/problem, I=intervention C=comparison, O=outcome
- Use Pubmed's MESH thesaurus to limit large search results (JDMS author manual page 8)
- limit general topic search results with Systematic reviews(articles that have been reviewed again after initial publishing)
Where to begin your search: JDMS Author Manual page 12/13
IN CLASS: Library medical databases with a demonstration of Zotero
- PubMed/Medline (National Library of Medicine)
- Cochrane
- Web of Science
- Science Direct
- Ebsco
- Proquest
- ERIC mentioned in JDMS is more education related
- Google Scholar (advanced search with date limiters along with keywords)
- Research Rabbit example of a competitor to Google Scholar