Entrepreneurship (MGMT): Regulations


Regulations and Locating Information

Regulatory information for the United States is not easy to find. There are many regulatory agencies issues regulations constantly. Try government websites, news searches and industry reports. Once located regulations can be dense and difficult to read.

Start by looking for short, broad summaries in IBISworld industry reports. If your industry has a report look in teh External Environment section.

Next look for news stories which might be easier to read. But not all regulations get news coverage.

Depending on the project you may only need a brief amount of info or in-depth coverage. If you need in-depth info search regulations.gov which is linked below. This is a government website indexing multiple US agencies and government branches. Reda the FAQ and help on teh site to better understand the tool and the regulation process.

Industry Resources Mentioning Regulations

Regulation News Search

Searching Google for Rules and Regulations

You can use Google to easily search government websites by including site:.gov at the end of your search string.

If you are not finding what you need, try adding the word policy or regulation to your search along with your topic (e.g. transportation policy).

Sample search: "natural gas" regulation site:.gov

Online Government Publications

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