MGMT 102 Business 2: Business Planning and Professional Development: Market & Industry Research

Market & Industry Research

Market Research Overview

There are a number of library resources available for market research. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Is my product/service for the consumer (b2c) or for a business (b2b)?
  • Is my product/service sold in the U.S. only or in other countries?

Note that different market research resources offered through the library cover different audiences and different geographies. For b2c use Mintel and Passport. For b2b use IBISWorldNetAdvantage, Investext and First Research.

Market research is extremely expensive because of the expertise and time that goes into gathering, analyzing and presenting information. We buy access to a lot of research but not everything. You will discover on the web many other resources we cannot afford which is exactly the same situation that happens when running a business.

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