(from the SART website). Members of the Latin@/x/Hispanic communities are a highly diverse group who identify several ways. Hispanic includes anyone with Spanish-speaking origins, including Spain and excluding Brazil. Latino is traditionally used to describe individuals from Latin American origin, excluding Spain and including Brazil where Portuguese is spoken. The terms are often used incorrectly and interchangeably, as one describes race and the other ethnicity.
Latinx is a gender-neutral alternative to Latino, Latina, and even Latin@. For this reason, Latin@/x will be used throughout this document. When working with victims, the best practice is to ask what language they prefer.
31 Facts about Domestic Violence in the Latin@ Community
National Latin@ Network
Intimate Partner Violence Among Hispanics: A Review of the Literature
No MAS Study
Sexual Violence: The Hispanic and Latinx Community
Preventing Sexual Violence in the Latin@ Community: A Needs Assessment
Domestic Violence Handbook for Latinx Survivors